Experiential Rotation Manual

For more detailed UF College of Pharmacy policies, please visit https://students.pharmacy.ufl.edu/student-affairs/policies-and-procedures/

Rotation Policies for APPE and IPPE Students

Expectations of Students

Students are expected to:

  • Meet all requirements and deadlines during the scheduling process.
  • Submit onboarding requirements by their respective deadlines.
  • Contact the preceptor a minimum of 3-4 weeks prior to the beginning of the rotation (either by telephone or email) to establish expectations for the first day of the rotation, confirm the pre-rotation requirements (e.g., drug screen), and provide their CV. For explicit instructions on the procedure, please refer to the “Site Onboarding” section of the Canvas rotation website.
  • Consider patient care the highest priority during rotation hours and activities.
  • Consider rotations the primary job and responsibility during rotation hours and do not allow paid employment to interfere in rotation and patient care responsibilities. Requesting to modify a rotation schedule to accommodate paid employment is not acceptable. Preceptors are expected to deny any and all requests to modify a rotation due to paid employment scheduling.
  • Adhere to the work schedule of the instructor and meet expectations as discussed during orientation. Be on time and prepared for scheduled shifts. Provide advanced notice of absences to the preceptor (at least one hour prior to shift or more if required by site). Make up all missed time (the make-up plan will be determined by the preceptor). 
  • Exhibit a professional appearance both in manner and dress. The student must adhere to the standards of behavior and dress outlined in the Policies and Procedures as well as specified by the preceptor/site to whom he or she is assigned.
  • Use electronic devices appropriately during a shift. Turn cell phones and other electronic communication devices into silent mode while on site. Extenuating circumstances may be discussed with the preceptor (e.g., family emergency phone calls, etc).
  • Identify themself as an Intern at all times.
  • Respect any and all confidences revealed during the rotation, including patient privacy, pharmacy records, medical records, fee systems, professional policies, etc., and abide by HIPAA regulations.
  • Keep in mind the primary objective of IPPEs and APPEs is learning, which requires a deep and active commitment on the student’s part. Students should be prepared to participate in tasks and activities which contribute to the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process of the site as part of their learning experience.
  • Recognize the optimum learning experience requires mutual respect, courtesy, and professional behavior between the preceptor and themselves at all times.
  • Encourage communication with all persons involved in the rotation including the preceptor, physicians, other health professionals, and patients.
  • Take the initiative in communicating with physicians and patients, but discuss professional decisions with the preceptor and receive permission first before carrying them out or communicating any recommendations to the provider.
  • Communicate to the preceptor any expectations of learning, activities, and practice in the site in a professional manner. Communication will help to align student and preceptor expectations, prevent misunderstandings, and support the student’s ability to appreciate and experience the unique role and function of a pharmacist in any practice setting.
  • Be diligent and timely in completing assignments. Submitting the same assignment for multiple courses/rotations is not permitted and is considered self-plagiarism.
  • Refrain from publicly questioning the advice or directions of the preceptor in front of others, and discuss any disagreements in private. All constructive feedback should be viewed as a means of learning.
  • Question any activity, which appears to be in conflict with state or federal drug laws and regulations, or ethical and/or professional principles. The student should discuss any concern first privately with the preceptor and may consult the Regional Coordinator or the Director of Experiential Programs. 
  • Seek assistance with academic or personal difficulties as soon as possible.

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Professionalism is an educational outcome of the Pharm.D. program. We expect all students to always conduct themselves in a professional manner. The Office of Experiential Programs monitors professionalism throughout the rotation year.

Unprofessional behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Inappropriate use of or lack of approval to use a personal phone/electronic device
  • Inappropriate use of social media
  • Inappropriate dress
  • Tardiness
  • Absenteeism
  • Dishonesty
  • HIPAA violations
  • Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism (submitting the same assignment for multiple courses/rotations)
  • Failure to complete assignments by the deadline
  • Failure to meet onboarding deadlines


Lack of professionalism will result in grade penalties on the final evaluation. Submitting late onboarding will incur a professionalism lapse. If late onboarding causes a delayed start of the rotation, then a 5% grade deduction will be applied. If the rotation is canceled due to late onboarding, then the rotation grade will be reported as a failure.

In addition, the Director of Experiential Programs may deduct additional points because of unprofessionalism. Progressive corrective action will be taken if students do not comply with professional standards as defined by the College and the experiential sites. Professionalism issues, including incidents of plagiarism, may be reported to UF Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution as honor code violations.

Rotations are a learning environment; therefore, the goal of The Office of Experiential Programs is to mentor and correct unprofessional behavior before it becomes chronic. Any gap in professionalism should be immediately verbally addressed by the preceptor, describing the impact of the lack of professionalism, and creating a clear plan to remedy the situation. Further consequences should also be discussed. If the behavior continues, the Regional Coordinator should be contacted. The student’s lack of professionalism can result in a full letter grade reduction or failure of the rotation, depending on the severity of continued misconduct. UF student pharmacists must show professional behaviors while on rotation. Therefore, an assessment of “lack of professionalism” on the student’s final evaluation will result in the student failing the rotation, regardless of the calculated grade of the assessment. Preceptors should understand giving a rating of “Unacceptable” on the overall professionalism assessment will result in the student failing the rotation. The student will need to make up the rotation and may not graduate on time.

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Student Conduct



This policy outlines the process for an experiential pharmacy student to follow if exposed to COVID-19 or begins experiencing symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.

Policy for Potential Exposure/Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19

For students on clinical rotations who become exposed to/experience symptoms of COVID -19, they are to:

If the Site HAS a Policy

  1. Follow the site’s policy for exposure/signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

If the site does NOT have a policy:

  1. Students follow CDC guidelines and notify their preceptor.
  2. Students must work with their preceptor to make up any hours missed.
  3. Students no longer need to notify their RC.

*Please note the procedure is subject to change.*

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure

Students who are exposed to bloodborne pathogens (e.g. needlestick) should immediately notify the preceptor, regional coordinator, and call the UF BBP Exposure Hotline at 352-265-2727 for additional guidance. Medical care must be paid for through student/personal insurance or by some other means. For additional details, please review the UF Bloodborne Pathogen Program website.

Mobile Phone/Personal Electronic Devices

Students are expected to ask permission to use a mobile phone or personal electronic device during rotations for any reason, including drug information. Personal calls should be reserved for emergency situations. If the student needs to make an important phone call (i.e., scheduling a physician’s appointment, interview), it should be done during mealtime/rest break only. The use of a mobile device for social networking, i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, is not allowed during work hours. Use of mobile phones/personal electronic devices outside of these guidelines will be considered unprofessional behavior and will be addressed following the corrective action process as described in the Professionalism section.

Video Conferencing

The use of Zoom video conferencing technology in the experiential setting must be done in compliance with HIPAA laws and regulations. When signed in through a University of Florida (UF) Zoom authenticated account, it is HIPAA compliant. This has been vetted and approved through information technology (IT) at UF. Personal Zoom accounts are NOT HIPAA compliant. Other platforms that utilize video conferencing accounts, whether a personal account or UF platforms such as Microsoft Teams, are NOT HIPAA compliant.

While on an experiential education rotation, students are to utilize the technology provided and approved by the site for video conferencing. The OEP encourages students to have their preceptor set up video conferencing meetings.

If a student is asked to set up a video conferencing meeting, they are to use their University of Florida authenticated Zoom account. Personal video conferencing accounts, or any other UF platform, of any kind, should not be used and would be in direct violation of HIPAA laws and regulations.

If closed captioning is used during the Zoom session, the transcript from the session should NOT be saved. Saving the transcript would be a direct violation of policy and potentially violate HIPAA laws and regulations.

Students are not permitted to record video conference sessions.

Students should follow this procedure:

  • Ask the site to set up the video conference.
  • If the site is unable to provide video conferencing technology, then the student should utilize their UF authenticated Zoom account to set up video conferencing.
  • Transcripts and/or recordings of video conferencing sessions should NOT be saved.

You can find information on Zoom technology at https://elearning.ufl.edu/zoom/ and https://video.ufl.edu/conferencing/zoom/.

Dress Code

Students are expected to present themselves in a professional manner at all times, which includes appropriate attire. The following list includes common themes expected in professional dress during rotations. These guidelines should be followed at all sites. Please note that sites or preceptors may include additional requirements for the dress code.

  • Good, personal hygiene is expected of all students.
  • Avoid strong perfumes or colognes.
  • All students must wear wrinkle-free, clean, white laboratory coats unless otherwise directed by the preceptors.
  • Students should wear their College of Pharmacy ID as well as any name tag or badge issued by the rotation site at all times. Name tags from other places of employment should not be worn at a rotation site.
  • Female students may wear skirts or dresses no shorter than the knee, dress slacks with appropriate hosiery, and shoes and shirts with the appropriate coverage.
  • Male students must wear a clean and pressed collared shirt, tie, khakis or dress pants, and dress shoes with socks.
  • Shoes should be closed-toed, as well as clean and maintained. The shoe heel size should be no more than 2 inches. No athletic shoes, unless approved by the practice site.
  • Inappropriate attire includes jeans/denim, shorts, mini-skirts, thong sandals, t-shirts, spaghetti straps, leggings, stretch pants, etc., and are NOT allowed.
  • Hair should be of an appropriate style and color. Facial hair should be well-groomed. No hats, caps, or hair coverings.
  • Jewelry should not be distracting and kept to a minimum. No facial piercings. No more than one earring per ear.
  • Nails must be clean with no chipped nail polish. Some sites may have stricter policies relating to acrylic nails and gel nail polish and must be followed.
  • Students are expected to adhere to all rotation site policies relating to personal appearance and/or grooming not covered in this manual.

Students may be asked to leave a rotation site due to dress code violations which will result in an unexcused absence which must be made up at the convenience of the preceptor. Students who fail to abide by dress code policies set forth by their rotation site will be penalized as described in the Professionalism section.

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Time and Attendance


The quality of the APPE/IPPE learning experience is directly related to the time spent in the clinical environment and, therefore, attendance is mandatory. Each APPE/IPPE rotation should be treated as a job experience, and like any job, regular attendance is critical to successful performance.

Students are required to participate in APPE/IPPE activities at the site for a minimum of 40 hours each week of the rotation. It is suggested that the preceptor divide the time into five 8-hour days, although alternative structures are acceptable (e.g., four 10-hour days). Florida Board of Pharmacy Rule 64B16-26.2033: Max 50 hrs/wk may be counted towards intern hours worked. Students are expected to be present at the site during the times established by the preceptor. Although the majority of rotations have scheduled hours between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, some experiences may have earlier or later starting times or could be primarily evening shift experiences. Regardless of the general hours, the preceptor may require the student to be present at the site during the day, evening, night, or weekend to experience the difference in workload and pace.


Should patient care responsibilities extend beyond the set hours of the rotation, students are expected to remain onsite until all patient care activities are completed. In order to be prepared for morning patient care duties, students may find that they need to arrive early or come in over the weekend.

Students are encouraged to stay within the parameters of this policy to avoid any penalties due to time and attendance violations. Corrective action will be taken if students miss multiple days throughout their rotations or exhibit patterns of excessive tardiness. Students who are dishonest about being on-site when scheduled will be reported to UF Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution for an honor code violation and may incur additional sanctions. If a preceptor and/or site request that a student is dismissed from the site due to attendance issues, the student will be assigned a failing grade.

APPE rotation absences and tardiness will be tracked longitudinally. If a student has a total of more than 12 absences or 12 tardies during the APPE year, they will be required to meet with the Office of Experiential Programs and may be subject to disciplinary action.

  • Holidays: IPPE and APPE rotation hours may occur on holidays. The UF holiday calendar does not apply to rotations. If the site is open on a holiday, the student is expected to be onsite, unless otherwise informed by the preceptor.
  • Severe weather conditions: All students should follow the weather advisory from their rotation site regarding expected attendance. UF campus closure does not impact the student’s obligation to report for rotation.



ALL absences are required to be made up in order to receive academic credit. How the time is made up is at the discretion of the preceptor. Acceptable options for making up missed time include coming in on extra days, staying later on other days, working weekends, or performing extra assignments. However, time missed for Spring 4PD OSCEs (up to 8 hours) will not need to be made up since this activity is considered an application of experiential learning.

Planned absences require notice to the preceptor at least 7 days prior and preceptor approval. Absences secondary to planned events such as necessary medical appointments, job/residency interviews, professional meetings, religious holidays, etc. require at least 7 days notice prior to the planned absence and must receive preceptor approval. Students must offer to make up any time off at the preceptor’s convenience when making the request. Students who wish to attend a professional conference during APPEs/IPPEs must provide proper documentation of attendance at the conference and the preceptor may also require the student to provide a brief written reflection or oral presentation on material learned at the conference. Every effort must be made to minimize the time missed from the rotation for planned absences. This includes options such as traveling in the evening hours or scheduling events at the beginning or end of the week, so travel can occur on weekends. When necessary, personal appointments should be made at the beginning or end of the rotation day taking into consideration patient care requirements. Students are expected to schedule vacations during school breaks and these requests should not be approved by preceptors in order to keep students on track for graduation.


Unplanned absences require at least one hour’s notice by phone. In case of illness or other emergency necessitating absence from rotation, the student should notify the preceptor by phone at least one hour in advance by phone. Email or text messaging is an unacceptable method of communication, unless pre-approved by the preceptor. Additional follow-up should be attempted if a voicemail message is left for the preceptor. Examples include personal illness, illness of dependent, and family emergencies. If the absence is due to an illness or emergency situation that causes the student to miss 2 or more days of the experience, the student must provide the preceptor a letter from his/her physician confirming the illness. This letter must be provided to the preceptor the first day the student returns to the site. When multiple days are missed, the student must contact the preceptor at least one hour in advance each day the student is unable to be present at the site, unless both the student and preceptor have agreed on the day of return.

Absences for which the student fails to notify the preceptor as required, or absences of 2 or more days that are not supported by appropriate documentation will result in a reduction of the student’s grade. The IPPE quiz will receive a 5% grade deduction for each occurrence. The final APPE grade will be moved to the next lowest letter grade (e.g., B+ to B, or A to A-) for each occurrence.



The definition of tardy will be determined by the preceptor. Students are expected to make necessary allowances (traffic, parking, etc.) to arrive at a time that allows them to begin the workday at the scheduled time. If a situation occurs that will result in the student arriving late (either at the beginning of work or returning from a scheduled break), the preceptor should be contacted by phone immediately (or another preferred method of contact as designated by the preceptor). If the preceptor cannot be contacted, the student must discuss the situation with the preceptor as soon as arriving on site.

If a student arrives late on more than three occasions, the Office of Experiential Programs will reduce the final APPE grade by 2% per occurrence beginning with the 4th tardy. IPPE students will be deducted 2% from the IPPE quiz for each occurrence beginning with the 4th tardy in addition to any deduction already imposed by the preceptor.

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Criminal Background Check and Reporting Criminal Activity

A large number of rotation sites require a background check as part of their pre-clinical rotation requirements.

If you have been arrested, you must immediately notify the Office of Experiential Programs. DO NOT wait for it to appear on a criminal background check. Failure to notify the office may lead to the cancellation of the rotation and delayed graduation.

Enrolled Students

The University of Florida College of Pharmacy requires students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy program to report arrests within ten days of the incident.

Scan/email the following documentation to the Office for Student Affairs following this schedule:

No later than ten working days after the arrest

  • Arrest Report
  • A narrative explaining what occurred, and what you took away from the experience

As soon as it becomes available

  • Correspondence related to the arrest
  • Court Ordered Sanctions (completion dates)
  • Final Judgement
  • Final Disposition
  • Any other documents you deem relevant to your case

If there is a record of an arrest and an experiential site requires a statement from the College of Pharmacy attesting to your background (Attestation Form), the following may be provided once the final disposition of the case is reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. In selected situations, a due process hearing with the student before the Academic and Professional Standards Committee may be necessary to determine if the statement below can be issued. Students should be aware that an experiential site can refuse access even with the College’s advocacy via the statement below. Thus, a student with a criminal background could experience changes and/or delays in rotations to accommodate the situation.

“A review of the above items indicates this student is considered eligible by the College of Pharmacy to enter patient care settings to complete curricular requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree. This student has a prior event in the background check. A review of the circumstances and explanations of this event was considered satisfactory for this student to continue advanced pharmacy practice experiences in patient care settings. If you would like to be informed of this event and the explanation, please contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.”

Failure to comply with this policy to report an arrest, circumstances, reports, final disposition, etc. violates the Pledge of Professionalism and is subject to review and guidance by the College’s Committee on Professionalism. If the situation involves a violation(s) of the University’s Student Conduct Code, then a review and possible discipline could be instituted by the University’s Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution in the Dean of Students Office.

We cannot provide an attestation form with this statement on your behalf if we have not discussed what transpired, and what you took away from the experience.

If the preceptor has further questions they are referred to Teresa Cavanaugh, Pharm.D., in the Office of Student Affairs: TCavanaugh@cop.ufl.edu

Chemical Impairment/Drug Screening

The College of Pharmacy has a Chemical Impairment Policy which accepts the following statements regarding chemical impairment.

The University of Florida College of Pharmacy:

  • Recognizes that chemical dependency (including alcoholism) is a disease that affects all of society.
  • Advocates referral of chemically impaired students to recovery programs in the state for appropriate evaluation and referral for treatment.
  • Accepts the need for cooperation with the State Board of Pharmacy wherever public safety may be endangered by impaired students.
  • Accepts responsibility for providing professional education concerning chemical dependency in entry-level programs at the College.
  • Encourages research in chemical dependency in pharmacy.
  • Encourages College participation in public education and prevention programs concerning chemical dependency.
  • Accepts responsibility for the development and promotion of student wellness programs as a component of the student orientation process or entry level curriculum.

The goals of the Chemical Impairment Policy are to:

  • Identify students who consistently exhibit unusual or inappropriate behavior that could be attributable to drug or alcohol misuse.
  • Offer assistance, for chemically impaired or co-dependent students as appropriate.
  • Provide assistance in a way that protects the rights of the impaired student to receive treatment in confidence.
  • Afford recovering students who are not legally restricted and are no longer chemically-impaired the opportunity to continue their pharmacy education.
  • Monitor the student’s progress after rehabilitation to identify relapses.
  • Protect society from harm that impaired students may cause.
  • Provide educational leadership in the development of curriculum content on the issues of drug abuse and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Both student and preceptors are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions of chemical impairment to the Regional Coordinator, Assistant Director of Experiential Programs, Assistant Dean of Clinical Education or the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs as soon as possible.

Pre-Clinical Rotation Required Drug Screenings

A large number of rotation sites require a drug screening as part of their pre-clinical rotation requirements. All drug screenings must be authorized by and processed through the Office of Experiential Programs as required for any rotation. The Office of Experiential Programs will only accept reports from approved sites and vendors to ensure the authenticity of all reports. Students are reminded to drink normal amounts of fluid prior to the drug screening to avoid negative-dilute results. Students who drink large volumes of fluids immediately prior to the drug screening risk receiving a negative-dilute which necessitates a referral to the Student Pharmacist Advocacy and Recovery Committee (SPARC) committee and the cost and time of completing a second drug screening.

Students receiving multiple negative-dilutes or a positive drug screening will be referred to SPARC and possibly the Professional Resources Network (PRN) for further evaluation and intervention. A student believed to be chemically impaired will not be allowed to participate in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences until the status of the student has been determined by PRN.

Please refer to the Chemical Impairment Policy for Pharmacy Students of the Student/Faculty Handbook.

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Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

It is the policy of The University of Florida to provide an educational and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff that is free from sex discrimination and sexual harassment. In accordance with federal and state law, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment. Sex discrimination and sexual harassment will not be tolerated, and individuals who engage in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. The University encourages students, faculty, staff, and visitors to promptly report sex discrimination and sexual harassment.

Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to a violation of this policy or related retaliation is strongly encouraged to promptly report such behavior to the Director of Experiential Programs, Assistant Dean of Clinical Education, or the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Students may also report such behavior to the Office of Accessibility and Gender Equity, using the information provided below, or any university official, administrator, supervisor, manager, or faculty member.

UF Reporting Options

In non-emergency situations, please report sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any sexual misconduct to one of the contacts found on this website: Title IX Resources

Incidents should be reported as soon as possible after the time of their occurrence to allow the university to take appropriate remedial action. No employee or student should assume University of Florida officials know about a situation or incident.

Any university official (administrator, supervisor, or manager) who has knowledge of or receives a written or oral report or complaint of a violation of this policy must promptly report it to the Office of Accessibility and Gender Equity and may be disciplined for failing to do so.

Any faculty member, teaching assistant, or staff member with knowledge of sexual harassment of a student must promptly report the incident to the Office of Accessibility and Gender Equity and may be disciplined for failing to do so.

Consensual Relationships

Participation of a supervisor, faculty member, advisor, or coach in a consensual romantic or sexual relationship with a subordinate employee or student always creates a prohibited conflict of interest that must be reported to the appropriate hiring authority for proper disposition. A conflict of interest is created when an individual evaluates or supervises or has decision-making power affecting another individual with whom he or she has an amorous or sexual relationship. Moreover, such relationships, even when consensual, could be exploitative and imperil the integrity of the work or education environment.

More information can be found at the following link: Title IX Resources

Academic Misconduct

The University strives to protect and guide the educational community by establishing, and requires students to adhere to, a Student Honor Code, a Student Conduct Code and a student conduct system that promote individual and social responsibility and are enforced through University regulations. Individuals and student organizations are expected to observe the policies, rules, regulations, law, and requirements of the University of Florida, municipalities and counties, the State of Florida, the United States, and, when in another state or country, that state or country. University regulations have been designed to protect individuals and the campus community and create an environment conducive to achieving the academic mission of the institution.

The full University of Florida Student Conduct & Honor Code, including definitions, scope, and violations, can be found at the following link: Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code

Students who falsify or plagiarize required APPE/IPPE assignments will be in violation of the student honor and conduct code.

Dismissal From Site

Occurrence of one or more of the following may result in the dismissal of a student from an APPE or IPPE rotation and a failing grade for the rotation:

  1. Failure to adhere to the University of Florida Student Honor & Conduct Code.
  2. Failure to adhere to the site policies and procedures (including late submission of onboarding paperwork).
  3. Failure to adhere to University of Florida College of Pharmacy policies and procedures.
  4. Failure to comply with HIPAA or FERPA regulations.
  5. Working while chemically impaired/under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  6. Sexual harassment of any severity.
  7. Persistent unacceptable performance, conduct and/or behavior as determined by the preceptor in consultation with the Director of Experiential Programs and/or Assistant Dean of Clinical Education.
  8. Any action that makes the preceptor or team members feel unsafe.
  9. Any action which is detrimental to the care of a patient or to the clinical service provided by the site and/or preceptor.
  10. Theft of practice site equipment/materials.
  11. Violation of State and/or Federal laws.

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Transportation and Financial Obligations

Students are responsible for the provision of their own reliable means of transportation for travel to and from APPE/IPPE sites, and for any room and board unless specifically provided by the site. The Office of Experiential Programs works with students during the scheduling process using the Mitigating Circumstances petitioning process to accommodate students to the best of their ability stratified by need. Students are responsible for all costs related to rotation site requirements (i.e., screenings, parking, mask-fitting, etc.).

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Accommodations for experiential rotations may differ from classroom accommodations and may require a separate accommodation letter. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) Health Science Center Learning Specialist will contact College of Pharmacy (COP) students who are registered with the DRC early in the fall semester instructing students to provide notification to the DRC if they anticipate needing accommodations on experiential rotations. The DRC Health Science Center learning specialist will collaborate with students and the Office of Experiential Programs (OEP), when needed, to approve the experiential/clinical accommodations, a process which may take up to 2 months to complete. It is noted that the experiential/clinical accommodations letter needs to be completed a minimum of one month in advance of an experiential rotation to ensure that accommodations are in place for a rotation experience. Some accommodations may take additional time to implement. Therefore, students should begin working with the DRC and the OEP at least 3 months prior to the start of their rotation(s). Students are strongly encouraged to be proactive in this process to ensure that accommodations are in place for each learning experience because grades cannot be retroactively changed.

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Scheduling Changes

Petition Process

The following information is located on the Canvas website in the Scheduling module.


Rotation schedules are considered final once the official announcement has been communicated by the Office of Experiential Programs. A petition to change a rotation schedule will only be considered if one of the following criteria are met.

Petition Criteria:

  • Change in your personal health status requiring regular visits to a healthcare provider, i.e. pregnancy, new diagnosis. A letter from your physician is required.
  • Change in a family member’s health status requiring regular visits to a healthcare provider and you are the primary caregiver. A letter from the patient’s physician is required.
  • Personal and/or family crisis requiring a change in rotation location. The Office of Experiential Programs reserves the right to determine the validity of the request and may require supporting documentation.
  • Request additional rotation during the current month off
  • Offered an internship requiring a change to the current rotation schedule. A letter from the Internship Coordinator to include dates of internship and minimum required hours each week.
  • Change in living arrangements due to one of the above criteria. The Office of Experiential Programs reserves the right to determine the validity of the request and may require supporting documentation.

The following conditions will be taken into consideration when reviewing the request:

  • Student’s progress towards meeting rotation requirements
  • Preceptor/rotation/site availability
  • Impact on the current preceptor/rotation/site
  • Impact on the number of students per preceptor/rotation/site
  • The requested schedule change is for removal from a rotation with a UF Health or UF College of Pharmacy faculty member

Rotation Change Requests will be DENIED for the following reasons:

  • Required documentation not submitted with the petition (please see Petition Criteria for requirements)
  • The student has contacted a preceptor to solicit a rotation opportunity. Soliciting is when a student contacts anyone outside of the Office of Experiential Programs requesting a possible rotation.
  • The change request is to meet an individual’s desire to take a particular rotation because of perceived benefit for residency or career direction (these requests are considered during the schedule building phase)
  • The change request is to avoid a rotation or preceptor because of a perceived difficulty
  • The change request is submitted to acquire a more convenient rotation based on proximity
  • An application was required for the rotation
  • Financial concerns
  • Less than 30 days from the start of a rotation

Please note changes initiated by a preceptor or The Office of Experiential Programs are independent of the petition process.

Petition Processing Information

A confirmation email will be sent to the student once the petition form is received by the office. The Petition Committee will review all requests and approve or deny the petition no later than 30 days from the original submission date. Students will be notified via email within 3 days of the final decision. The student may appeal the Petition Committee’s decision by contacting Dr. Stacey Curtis, Assistant Dean for Experiential Education. If approved, you will work with the Scheduling Coordinator to locate a new rotation option.

Please contact the Office of Experiential Programs at 352-273-6228 or email rotation-schedule@cop.ufl.edu if you have any questions about the Petition Process.

Dropping a Rotation

Any student dropping a rotation after the start date, if not approved as an exception, will be assigned a failing grade. A student may request an exception, which allows him/her to drop an experiential rotation; however, the reasons for the request must be in writing. The Director of Experiential Programs and the Assistant Dean for Clinical Education will review the request and make the final decision. Poor performance in a rotation will not be an allowable reason for dropping an experiential rotation. A student may withdraw via a petition and receive a grade of “W”. The final decision with regards to dropping a rotation rests with the University Senate Petitions Committee.

Failure to complete a rotation can result in the following grades: 1) An “I” (incomplete) will be given if the student has completed more than half of the rotation and has received approval from the Director of Experiential Programs to withdraw; 2) An “E” (failing) grade will be given to students who have been dismissed from the site due to professionalism issues or their petition to drop the rotation was not approved.

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Student and Preceptor Evaluation

ACPE Standards require an evaluation of the student’s performance by the preceptor. Evaluation is a part of experiential education and may take various forms, be conducted with a variety of persons, occur at many and varied times, and serve several purposes.

Colleges and schools assess student achievement of experiential competencies within their assessment plans using reliable, validated assessments. Formative feedback related to specific performance criteria is provided to students throughout the experience. At a minimum, performance competence is documented midway through the experience and at its completion.

Evaluations for rotations will occur via the CORE site. Students are required to co-sign the mid-point and final evaluations that are submitted by the preceptor. This is a way for the student to acknowledge receiving and reading the evaluation and any comments provided.

Student Evaluations

Midpoint Evaluation

Each preceptor completes a midpoint evaluation considering the activities during the first half of the experience. The preceptor should review the APPE/IPPE Final Evaluation and use it as the template for consideration of student performance and progress during the first half of the rotation. The preceptor should also encourage the student to complete a self-evaluation (discussed below) using the APPE/IPPE Self-Evaluation (midpoint and final) to provide a focus for each review. Preceptors and students should keep in mind that the purpose of the Midpoint Evaluation is to allow the student and preceptor to make ‘rotation corrections’ including:

  • Planning new experiences for the student.
  • Remedial steps to correct unsatisfactory performance during the early stages of the rotation.
  • To provide feedback about student performance and provide a sense of progress for the first half of the rotation.
  • If the student’s grade is ‘satisfactory’ at the midpoint, the Midpoint Evaluation is submitted through CORE and discussed between the preceptor and student without any additional required reporting to the College.

Final Evaluation

The final evaluation is due on the last day of the rotation. The final evaluation includes an assessment of the student’s performance in each of the rotation competencies. Preceptors submit evaluations through CORE. The student grade will be calculated from the rating of the student’s performance in each of the competencies. will also give ratings for each of the entrustable professional activities (EPAs); however, performance in EPAs do not affect the final grade calculation. Professionalism is a critical component and may result in failing rotation if not satisfactory.


Students are given an opportunity to complete a self-assessment via CORE at the midpoint and end of each learning experience. Self-assessments should be reviewed by the preceptor.

Preceptor Evaluations

Each student is required to evaluate each APPE/IPPE in which assignments were completed and a grade received. A student will not be identified on the evaluation form. Ideally, the evaluation of the site and preceptor should be completed during the latter part of the final week of the rotation (although they can be done any time after the rotation is complete). The evaluation should be performed in the absence of the preceptor. Evaluations will be sent to the preceptor AFTER the student graduates. (Note: the student will not be identified when the evaluations are shared with the preceptor.)

Evaluation instructions are distributed via email. The rotation evaluation system can be accessed via CORE. The student should evaluate the rotation experience, noting any positive aspects or concerns with the preceptor or employees who they trained with during the rotation. These evaluations are reviewed approximately every 2 weeks by the Program Quality Coordinator to look for any issues or concerns that need to be addressed.

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Grade Appeals


Rotation grades are considered final once the preceptor has submitted the student evaluation, all deductions have been applied, and grades are posted to the transcript. The grading scale used for rotations is found here. Any student wishing to appeal the grade must submit the petition to the Office of Experiential Programs following the instructions below.

Petition Criteria:

All petition requests must be submitted to the Office of Experiential Programs within 30 calendar days of the final grade being posted to myUFL or receiving email notification of a late grade submission.

Petition Process:

    1. The student reviews the preceptor’s final evaluation; Students may access their evaluations from CORE.
    2. The student contacts the site’s Regional Coordinator to discuss their concerns with the evaluation and prepare for a discussion with the preceptor.
    3. The student contacts the preceptor via email or phone to discuss the grade with a specific list of questions gathered from the final evaluation and discussion with the Regional Coordinator.
    4. The student will include the following information and/or documents with the Grade Appeal Form.
      • Number the specific competency within your appeal that you disagree with and the number associated with that area.
        • For example, if you disagree with the score on Drug Information. Please put competency #8 Drug Information and then list which sub-competency score under that area you disagree with.
        • Include any discussion (summary and email responses) you have had with your Regional Coordinator and Preceptor.
        • Include the above information to ensure a timely decision is received.

Petition Processing Information:

      • Submit a Final Grade Appeal Request Form.
      • A confirmation email will be sent to the student once the office receives the petition form.
      • The Grades Appeal Committee will review all requests and approve or deny the petition no later than 30 days from the original submission date.
      • Students will be notified via email within 3 days of the final decision.
      • The student may appeal the Grades Appeal Committee’s decision by contacting Dr. Stacey Curtis, Assistant Dean for Experiential Education.

If you wish to appeal the final grade you received, you may do so by completing the following steps:

    1. Log in to CORE Elms
    2. Select “Field Encounters” from the left menu
    3. Click “Add” on the “Final Grade Appeal Form
    4. Choose the site from the Preceptor/Site drop-down menu
    5. Enter the date
    6. Enter the Reason for the grade appeal
    7. Attach and documents
    8. Click “Submit Log

Please contact the Office of Experiential Programs at 352-273-6633 or email rotation-grades@cop.ufl.edu if you have any questions about the Grades Appeal Process.

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Reporting Problems

If a student has a problem on any rotation, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Discuss concerns with the preceptor.
  2. If the discussion with the preceptor is unsuccessful in resolving the problem(s), the next contact is the Regional Coordinator for the site. A list of all Regional Coordinators can be found on the OEP website. If necessary, the Regional Coordinator will consult with the Director of Experiential Programs to try and resolve the issue.
  3. Beyond this assistance, a student may seek the input of the Assistant Dean for Clinical Education or the Associate Dean for Professional Education.

If a student has a personality difference with a preceptor, every effort should be made to reach a mutual working relationship. If you need help working through such a problem, you can contact a Regional Coordinator, the Director of Experiential Programs, or your Campus Director for advice.

Optional/Confidential Survey

The optional/confidential survey provides the student an opportunity to report inappropriate or concerning situations or concerns they have with the preceptor or site personnel. The student may complete the survey at any time. The optional/confidential survey link is located under the Resources section of the Canvas rotation website. Regional Coordinators also share the link with students via email at the beginning of each rotation.

The Quality Coordinator reviews these evaluations upon receipt to look for any issues or concerns that need to be addressed. The optional/confidential surveys are never shared with preceptors. The Office of Experiential Programs will take any needed action to address concerns shared in the optional survey. (Note: Concerns of an URGENT nature should be communicated via phone or email immediately to the regional coordinator or Office of Experiential Programs.)

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